Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How To Become A Winner, And Effectively Change Your Life

            How To Become A Winner, And Effectively Change your Life                                                                                                 

" Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's about getting ahead of yourself "- Roggers Staurd

 (Getty Images;/)

Ever wondered how that particular person you look up too is always achieving their goals?. Well wonder no more, if you reading this you can expect to discover the secrete towards becoming the winner that you truly are and effectively change your life. I cannot lie to you and sell instantaneous results, or a magical product that can change your life. But this article is a sincere guide towards becoming epic. 

Make the decision to change

First things first, before i begin you need to make a decision to change. People that they are in control of the choices they make in their lives. Whilst in actuality are not,decision exists within all of us, you have to make the decision that from this day forth that you are a winner. And you will the rest of your life as a victor. 

Winners win because they expect to win. How is this you ask ?, they have made it up in their minds that they are going to win, and indeed they do win. This is the power of decision.

Change Your Mindset 

" There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind " - TD Jake's. In order to develop a winners mentality you need to have a changed mindset. The way in which you see and perceive yourself has to change, develop a positive image of yourself.  Always have positive thoughts about yourself, this creates a paradigm shift from the negative thought processes you have become accustomed to all your life. 

 A negative thought process occurs when you believe the negative things you have been told. An example of this is believing you ugly because you have been told you ugly. 

Set up specific Goals 

A goal is something you want to archive within any given time frame. Now to identify your goals you need to be very specific and write them down. Write down your short term goals where you can see them constantly, to keep you focused. Regardless of how small the goal is, it could be finishing an assignment on time, aiming to complete a specific task. 

Be Committed 

Imagine how much more successful a lot of people would be if they fully invested themselves to a cause or assignment until it is completed. Winners are committed to whatever it is that they do, they have what we call the virtue of dedication. 

Be responsible 

Winners are credible, and they take full responsibility of their lives.  There are things that happen to us that we cannot control, but (90 %) of whatever happens to us we can control.  If you want to see a sign that someone is a loser ?, notice how they have an alibi to justify why they have failed. The following are examples of alibis. 

- I am unsuccessful because i grew up with no parents. 
- I can't lose weight  because i am lazy
- How do you expect me to become a winner, when i come from a poor background. 
-  I want to start a business but i can't because i don't have money. 

Winners create solutions, not excuses. 

Image result for don't make excuses quote

Take risks 

You have to be willing to free yourself from fear, and develop the habit of taking risks. Do you know why you have been procrastinating all this time along ?, it is because of fear.  In the end you will regret not acting in the first place. So as (Nike) puts it, "Just do it" . 

Embrace Failure

see your losses as lessons, this will completely change your approach to your failures and short falls. Most importantly it equips you with a winners mindset.  

Work Hard

I wish i could lie to you, but honestly there is no replacement for hard work. Not even talent, how many talented people do you know that are not were they want to be in life ?. Winners work hard for their achievements, blood, sweat, and tears. There is no other way around it.  

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Be eager to learn 

In a world were knowledge is power, winners try to improve their knowledge one way or the other. Read a book, newspaper, develop a new skill. The main aim is to challenge yourself. 

Have faith in yourself

Winners have great belief in their abilities, they do not doubt themselves. It is important that you believe in your own abilities.  Ask yourself this ?, would Micheal Jackson be the greatest entertainer of the 20th Century had he doubted himself ?. No, faith is the starting point of all achievement. 

Bonus Note 

Stay focused, people don't just randomly archive their goals. It takes sacrifice to live the life you desire, now make these sacrifices.  As always i leave you with this " If you have expectations of others, especially negative ones. Than the outcome will never change " -Micheal Jordan. 

Remember to subscribe, to receive daily updates free. VyoCLifestyles- Lifestyle on the move. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Why You Need To Stop Watching TV, and Following Everything That's On Social Media

Why You Need To Stop Watching TV, and Following Everything That's On Social Media                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            VyoCLifestyle   
Image result for picture of people watching tv                                                                                                                                                                                      

"the more television you watch the more you see people who seem richer than you. Research shows that you will than overestimate  the income of real people, and underestimate the value of your own life. so the more television you watch, the more dissatisfied with your life you become ".  Richard O'connor. 

Since you are reading this blog, you would have come to know that since the history of mankind, societies and tribes have been governed by the ruthless elite. who are the ruthless elite?, it is the people who govern society whether through indirect influence or direct rule. the elite control what you read and hear about on the news, they control what you watch on your tv screens, the ads you see, and to a great extend the ruthless elite influence the way humans leave. 

On Television 

look at the time people spend in a day watching their favourite dramas, sopies, shows on TV. On average it is (5 to 7 hours) watching TV daily, now if you calculate that, it equals to (30 to 40) hours a week watching TV programs. This time can be well spent aiding your development to better improve your income and wealth, knowledge, health, and relationships.
when you watch television you are consuming information designated to you by the elite. You basically running away from your reality in hopes that television will provide a virtual alternative which you aspire to actually live. 

Television promotes shitty values such as popular culture, consumer culture, and news that is mostly related to celebrities and gossip. For instance look the news coverage we receive, stories of Nikki Minaj engaging in a fight with fellow artist Cardi B. How is such news coverage relevant to anyone?  there is nothing worse than  fetishzing celebrities. 

Video Games 

as a teenager i would spent (4 to 6 hours) daily playing video games. imagine how much time i wasted. Playing FIFA is the least productive thing you can do with your time. Doing such is for boys and kids, you should invest this time building towards your future. 
Image result for picture of phone addiction

Social Media 
About (45%) of people globally are addicted to social media and their cell phones. Be aware of the time women spend on Instagram daily.

 The time spent on Twitter daily following celebrities and your favorite pages. 

Facebook is a tool that should be used for advertising only.
Whatsapp is highly recommended because it is a vital tool of communication. 

Social Media forces you to compete with peoples false representation of themselves. Therefore creating a negative self perception and image of yourself cause you are constantly in competition.
Five minutes on YouTube turns to five hours of watching recommended content that only brainwashes you. 

The best exception for social media is business and promoting yourself as a brand. 

Watching other men and women exercise and sweat to get paid. While you waste your valuable time being a spectator or cheerleader.

 If you spend (5 to 10 hours) a week watching sports you can invest this time into exercising and developing the body you have always wanted. 

Sports is enjoyable in moderation, with friends or occasionally going out. But anything else other than that it needs to be sacrificed. 

Bonus Note

People don't recognize that TV is not an entertainment medium, it is a tool that best dellivers consumer products to people if you want the life you really want. than sacrificing useless utopia like TV Will do you and your self esteem genuine good. Attempt limiting the amount of time you spend on social media platforms on a daily basis and you much better your state of mind will feel. i leave you with this "I'm trying to free your mind Neo. But i can only show you the door, you are the one that has to walk through it"-Mopheus .

Remember to subscribe to receive the latest updates. subscribe on the web version the blog site.   VyoCLifestyle- Lifestyle on The Move. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

The VyoCLifestyle Guide To Dating And Relationships

The VyoCLifestyle Guide To Dating And Relationships

                                         VyoCLifestyle                                                                                Related image          


      when it comes to dating, just like everything else in life there are rules that govern human interactions. to succeed in the dating game it is important you know these rules and what dating style suits you best. with my personal experience the dating i recommend the most is casual dating, you can identify which one fits your lifestyle best.  

   if you like are most guys, who want to have happy and healthy relations with women but the results aren't coming than this guide is definitely for you. when i began dating in my late teen years, i didn't know what to expect, and how to handle women, how to get women, i began to read online about dating and relationships. if you manage your expectations on what to expect from a relationship and understand the rules of the game than you will experience the same level of success as i have with women. 

this guideline outlines the types of dating and how to be successful using each type. 

Types of dating : Monogamous relationships 

Monogamy is the most serious form of dating, and possibly the most intimate. this is when two people only date each other. 

How to get into a monogamous relationship? 

before i even tackle how to get into a monogamous engagement, identify if monogamy best suits you.  monogamy suits you if your intentions are to start a family or build a solid future within the relationship.  most women want monogamous relationships because commitment is more valuable than sex. first find the right partner, a women who will respect you and understand you as a men. usually these type of women are religious,  had a good upbringing, they were raised well.  

this requires what i like to call day game. it is basically meeting women during the day, whether at church, school, at your workplace, at the mall or in your social circle. the trick is simply to approach a woman, greet and make short conversation. conversation starters may include, "hi, how are you, i know this may seem awkward but you have beautiful eye brows". this shows two things, that you are genuinely interested in her and that you are not fearfully imposing yourself on her.  now secondly you take her number, and arrange a date. remember the purpose of taking her number is to arrange a date. 

in monogamy the purpose of a date is to get to know her, not to have sex with her on the first date. this is extremely important if you want to avoid toxic women. things to do to make sure the date is a success, be confident, smile and be light hearted. this will allow her to be comfortable around you. in a monogamous relationship, it usually takes two or more dates before the relationship can commence before there can be any form of sexual relations. 

                                                  Rules of Engagement 

to maintain a monogamous relationship you must be committed. this usually means you must invest your time, and you don't see other people outside of the relationship. 

see her at least three times a week, this shows  and illustrates your level of commitment to her. 

                                               Casual Dating : Polygamy 

casual dating is when you date for the purposes of sex and simply having casual fun with multiple partners. usually this form of dating is bombasted by society because it is an alternative lifestyle. these are the man that society term famously as "fuckboys, playboys, players, casanova". 

                                       How to get into a casual relationship

this is a bit startling because casual relationships are simply about sex and having fun.  to become a successful player in casual dating that has multiple women at his disposal, you need to approach as many women as you can. well at the ones you are sexually interested in because it is a numbers game. now here we use what i like to call online game . online game is approaching online, most notably dating sites. sites such as Tinder and Badoo, POF these best fit the catalogue of casual dating, and they guarantee you your best chance of success if your intentions are to have sex only. 

The best way to get into a casual relationship is to develop enough confidence to approach women on a daily. Embrace rejection, cause at some point you will get rejected. Embrace it because it is the cost of playing the game.  secondly work on your style, personality, as your aim is to attract women and not to keep them. having a good sense of style will do wonders for your social profile and will give you a better chance of getting laid, cause thats your main aim in a casual relationship. 

                                                     Rules of Engagement 

when it comes to casual dating the only rule is protect yourself. always use protection if you want to avoid contracting any STD's. 

Do not lie.  just because your aim is just to have sex, it does not imply you should lie to get what you want. be honest with the women you with, they should know from the get go that you do not intend on having a serious relationship. this shows that you are honourable enough to be honest with her. it shows that you respect her as a woman. 

                                                            Bonus Note 

Whatever form of dating suites you, go for it. But know that there are necessary rules you have to follow to be successful with each. you follow the rules and surely you will win. trust me, i am am a testament of that. i leave you with this "Be true to the game, and the game will be true to you".  

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VyoC Games

VyoC Games
Learn how to have fun by coding games. VyoC Games have created a wide platform for every one to begin coding games and playing them in your own time. 
The website show every simple steps to follow in creating a fun games. 
The game can be save and played in any devices (including smart phones, laptops, computers) and the website as well.

-The blog will also include Java Tutorials programs for beginners.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How To Be Happy: Can Money Buy Happiness?

                                                 VyoCLifestyle                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Image result for how to be happy     

    How To Be Happy: Can Money Buy Happiness?   

              “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” 
               ― Dalai Lama XIV. 

Question : How do i become happy ?, do i need money to be happy?. 

this is a question that that many have fail to answer, how does one become happy?. Happiness is not just a state of mind whereby one is overcome by dopamine and the release of hormones which make you feel good. happiness comes from earning, and it must be earned.  you earn the right to feel positive and good about yourself. this right is earned through your actions. money is a prerequisite necessary for you to meet all your needs, but it cannot secure happiness, it is simply a resource of exchange and meeting your needs. look at wealthy individuals who reach a notable level of monetary success,but still they commit suicide, or are dependent on antidepressant drugs just to go through the day.  

why are so many people depressed? 

so many people leave their lives depressed, or dealing with a form of depression.  people are often unhappy because they are furious at themselves for lacking discipline. people are mad at themselves because they are not leaving the lives they want to. when their actions contradict the expectations of the lives they aspire to live. naturally so this creates anger and contempt towards self, because people become frustrated when they honestly know that they are not living up to their full potential. 

lack of discipline 

one of the most efficient ways to develop happiness is by taking action, and this can only be done through discipline. discipline means doing something you hate, but doing it like you love it. it is taking the course of action that best serves you. many men and women don't get taught the value of discipline, even i myself struggled with it because i used to have a short concentration span. disciplined people are confident people, because they take pride in accomplishing their tasks. when you put in effort, a by product of your effort will be pride. not to be confused with egoism. 

the importance of discipline  

if you want to be somebody worth something, it is necessary that you develop discipline. the truth is only you can make you confident, and confidence is gained through action. people become depressed because there is a facet of their live that they do not like. in normal cases they become depressed because they don't do nothing about it. if you are broke, get a job, or make an attempt to develop a source of income. if you do not like your weight or body appearance, change your lifestyle habits. if you are lazy, and hate yourself for it, than develop a work ethic. My point is that, for every problem there exists an equivalent solution, and it is your responsibility to find these solutions, because discipline is the root of all success. 

Purpose over Money 

religion bombasts people for having the desire to possess money, but money is the resourse that governs trade. i am not implying that it can make you happy, but the bulk your requirements need some form of financial support for you to be secured. chasing money has never satisfied anyone because it's like running a rat race that never ends, it will never be enough. instead when you follow your purpose. Whether it is painting, creating software, poetry, music, teaching, whatever it is you are passionate about, now that is your purpose. It gives you peace of mind, you stand for a cause and gain self satisfaction from that. for one because you enjoy it, and secondly because your purpose will automatically lead to your success. 

Forget the past

A majority of people are not happy because of certain decisions they may have made in the past and have come to regret those choices or actions. This prohibits one from being optimistic about the future. you have to forget about the past, stop thinking and fussing about it will not change your current situation. instead act now and be positive about the future. 

Bonus note

only you can make you happy. the only way to counter act depression is if you take action, take action to create the reality that you want. if you don't believe me, just try it by acting now, and i assure you will see the difference that even the smallest of actions can make in your life. 

The VyoCLifestyle Constitution Of Game :For Men Edition

The VyoCLifestyle Constitution Of Game :For Men Edition


                                                            The VyoCLifestyle Constitution          
  Image result for a picture of the constitution

"to all the males, let this Constitution be your holy scripture".

This Constitution is derived from personal experience and extensive research. most of the information included in this article is very beneficial to any man looking to improve his ability to manage relationships with women and fast track their own personal development. so without further due, enjoy.


#01-   The game is going down. The game exists, and it is going down whether you approve of this or not. it is everywhere. so it either you learn the rules of engagement within the game, or automatically  you are eventually going to lose quicker. simply put the game is the principles which govern human interaction, both social and personal. whether you at work, the game exists. whether you at school the game exists, in your social circle the game exists. so if you want to win, learn the rules of engagement. 

#02- Always put yourself first.  you need to recognize that you are the shit, for anyone can even begin to think you are the shit. if you don't love yourself, nobody else will. women appreciate a men who puts himself first, this shows two things. it shows that you are depend on her for your happiness. secondly it shows that you prioritize your own joy, hence when you put yourself first she will appreciate everything you do for her. 

#03- Always be self improving. the same things it takes to get a women, are very same things it takes to keep her, being intelligent, masculine, caring etc. therefore improvement is necessary, improve in whatever way you can, read a book, develop a skill set, go the gym, the way you dress, your personality. focusing on self improvement fosters confidence and independence. 

#04-Do not chase women. it is hard to to ignore this one, because we live in a society that glorifies chasing women. if you live your life chasing women, it is only a matter of time before you wont be shit. instead chase your purpose, naturally this will lead you to your success and having women in your life will just be a by-product of that success. 

#05-If a women dumps you. if you a women decides to leave you, accept as the will of the universe. this gives you an opportunity to be with women who are worth your time. remember you can't control a women simply because they are overly emotional. instead your patience does, her departure further allows you to focus on your purpose. see#04. 

#06-value your time. " The trouble is, you think you have time-Buddha". the most valuable asset you have is your time, it is the measure of your life. Valuing your time means getting your priorities straight. first things first, deal with the most important tasks first.  see the time you spend with your friends and acquaintances, and identify if the interaction adds value to your time. or it simply wastes it.  and how do you identify the value of your social circle exactly?, if the brink of your time with your friends is spent watching, football, movies, TV series, chilling, going out, than the interaction has no value because this duration is wasted on consuming rather than producing. these activities can be replaced with more valuable ones such as, reading, learning a new skill, or accomplishing a task. being a producer is one of the most efficient ways to add value to your time.     the same applies to women, the time spent with women should be regulated because it is time to be enjoyed, pleasurable time. 

#07-Agreements with women don’t mean shit. she might say she loves you, or claim she's prepared to die for the relationship. in retrospect all this does not mean anything. A women can say something today and change her mind tomorrow, because her reality stems from her emotional state. whatever agreements you may have had in the relationship do not mean anything, besides it is not like she is legally binded to you. it is your responsibility as a men to stand your ground and be firm, this way you remain unaffected regardless of her rollacoaster emotional state. 

#08-On loyalty. loyalty is more than just the quality of being faithful, and devotional. loyalty is about being credible and trustworthy. this is a quality men have been fortunate enough to possess. it is the quality of staying firm. to be trustworthy to anyone, you need to be loyal. to develop good relationships in your social circle, you need to be loyal.  women are not capable of loyalty and it is not in their nature. 

#09- No one gives a fuck about you.  yes ignorance is bliss but the truth, is real freedom. as hard as it may seem to accept this truth, that no one really cares about you. as a men it is your responsibility to take extra care of yourself. your allies are with you only because you share similar values with them. your spouse is with you because of the way you make them feel. even some of your extended relatives don't take genuine interest in your wellbeing. only your parents or close guardianes sincerely care about you, that's if you are fortunate enough to have any. 

#10-Never let a women define you. Being a player in the game of life, never let a women define you. she will break your heart and leave. it happens to every male, even the best of us. what is important is to learn from the experience and never let a women define you. do not go back to her, which is the mistake most men make. women come and go, but your integrity remains. 

Bonus Scripture- many men ascribe value to women that they do not actually possess. you see women as better than they are.  many men perceive women in some golden light, as if she has no bad personality traits and qualities. as if her fart doesn't smell. she has plenty issues which you fail to acknowledge. And as an asset you are more valuable because your value appreciates with time, whilst her's declines.  your mind has been delusioned by socially constructed beliefs, it is vital that you recognize a woman's true value in your life so that you can true see, that it is her who is not worthy of you, not you being unworthy of her.