Monday, September 24, 2018

Why You Need To Stop Watching TV, and Following Everything That's On Social Media

Why You Need To Stop Watching TV, and Following Everything That's On Social Media                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            VyoCLifestyle   
Image result for picture of people watching tv                                                                                                                                                                                      

"the more television you watch the more you see people who seem richer than you. Research shows that you will than overestimate  the income of real people, and underestimate the value of your own life. so the more television you watch, the more dissatisfied with your life you become ".  Richard O'connor. 

Since you are reading this blog, you would have come to know that since the history of mankind, societies and tribes have been governed by the ruthless elite. who are the ruthless elite?, it is the people who govern society whether through indirect influence or direct rule. the elite control what you read and hear about on the news, they control what you watch on your tv screens, the ads you see, and to a great extend the ruthless elite influence the way humans leave. 

On Television 

look at the time people spend in a day watching their favourite dramas, sopies, shows on TV. On average it is (5 to 7 hours) watching TV daily, now if you calculate that, it equals to (30 to 40) hours a week watching TV programs. This time can be well spent aiding your development to better improve your income and wealth, knowledge, health, and relationships.
when you watch television you are consuming information designated to you by the elite. You basically running away from your reality in hopes that television will provide a virtual alternative which you aspire to actually live. 

Television promotes shitty values such as popular culture, consumer culture, and news that is mostly related to celebrities and gossip. For instance look the news coverage we receive, stories of Nikki Minaj engaging in a fight with fellow artist Cardi B. How is such news coverage relevant to anyone?  there is nothing worse than  fetishzing celebrities. 

Video Games 

as a teenager i would spent (4 to 6 hours) daily playing video games. imagine how much time i wasted. Playing FIFA is the least productive thing you can do with your time. Doing such is for boys and kids, you should invest this time building towards your future. 
Image result for picture of phone addiction

Social Media 
About (45%) of people globally are addicted to social media and their cell phones. Be aware of the time women spend on Instagram daily.

 The time spent on Twitter daily following celebrities and your favorite pages. 

Facebook is a tool that should be used for advertising only.
Whatsapp is highly recommended because it is a vital tool of communication. 

Social Media forces you to compete with peoples false representation of themselves. Therefore creating a negative self perception and image of yourself cause you are constantly in competition.
Five minutes on YouTube turns to five hours of watching recommended content that only brainwashes you. 

The best exception for social media is business and promoting yourself as a brand. 

Watching other men and women exercise and sweat to get paid. While you waste your valuable time being a spectator or cheerleader.

 If you spend (5 to 10 hours) a week watching sports you can invest this time into exercising and developing the body you have always wanted. 

Sports is enjoyable in moderation, with friends or occasionally going out. But anything else other than that it needs to be sacrificed. 

Bonus Note

People don't recognize that TV is not an entertainment medium, it is a tool that best dellivers consumer products to people if you want the life you really want. than sacrificing useless utopia like TV Will do you and your self esteem genuine good. Attempt limiting the amount of time you spend on social media platforms on a daily basis and you much better your state of mind will feel. i leave you with this "I'm trying to free your mind Neo. But i can only show you the door, you are the one that has to walk through it"-Mopheus .

Remember to subscribe to receive the latest updates. subscribe on the web version the blog site.   VyoCLifestyle- Lifestyle on The Move. 

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