Wednesday, September 26, 2018

How To Become A Winner, And Effectively Change Your Life

            How To Become A Winner, And Effectively Change your Life                                                                                                 

" Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's about getting ahead of yourself "- Roggers Staurd

 (Getty Images;/)

Ever wondered how that particular person you look up too is always achieving their goals?. Well wonder no more, if you reading this you can expect to discover the secrete towards becoming the winner that you truly are and effectively change your life. I cannot lie to you and sell instantaneous results, or a magical product that can change your life. But this article is a sincere guide towards becoming epic. 

Make the decision to change

First things first, before i begin you need to make a decision to change. People that they are in control of the choices they make in their lives. Whilst in actuality are not,decision exists within all of us, you have to make the decision that from this day forth that you are a winner. And you will the rest of your life as a victor. 

Winners win because they expect to win. How is this you ask ?, they have made it up in their minds that they are going to win, and indeed they do win. This is the power of decision.

Change Your Mindset 

" There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind " - TD Jake's. In order to develop a winners mentality you need to have a changed mindset. The way in which you see and perceive yourself has to change, develop a positive image of yourself.  Always have positive thoughts about yourself, this creates a paradigm shift from the negative thought processes you have become accustomed to all your life. 

 A negative thought process occurs when you believe the negative things you have been told. An example of this is believing you ugly because you have been told you ugly. 

Set up specific Goals 

A goal is something you want to archive within any given time frame. Now to identify your goals you need to be very specific and write them down. Write down your short term goals where you can see them constantly, to keep you focused. Regardless of how small the goal is, it could be finishing an assignment on time, aiming to complete a specific task. 

Be Committed 

Imagine how much more successful a lot of people would be if they fully invested themselves to a cause or assignment until it is completed. Winners are committed to whatever it is that they do, they have what we call the virtue of dedication. 

Be responsible 

Winners are credible, and they take full responsibility of their lives.  There are things that happen to us that we cannot control, but (90 %) of whatever happens to us we can control.  If you want to see a sign that someone is a loser ?, notice how they have an alibi to justify why they have failed. The following are examples of alibis. 

- I am unsuccessful because i grew up with no parents. 
- I can't lose weight  because i am lazy
- How do you expect me to become a winner, when i come from a poor background. 
-  I want to start a business but i can't because i don't have money. 

Winners create solutions, not excuses. 

Image result for don't make excuses quote

Take risks 

You have to be willing to free yourself from fear, and develop the habit of taking risks. Do you know why you have been procrastinating all this time along ?, it is because of fear.  In the end you will regret not acting in the first place. So as (Nike) puts it, "Just do it" . 

Embrace Failure

see your losses as lessons, this will completely change your approach to your failures and short falls. Most importantly it equips you with a winners mindset.  

Work Hard

I wish i could lie to you, but honestly there is no replacement for hard work. Not even talent, how many talented people do you know that are not were they want to be in life ?. Winners work hard for their achievements, blood, sweat, and tears. There is no other way around it.  

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Be eager to learn 

In a world were knowledge is power, winners try to improve their knowledge one way or the other. Read a book, newspaper, develop a new skill. The main aim is to challenge yourself. 

Have faith in yourself

Winners have great belief in their abilities, they do not doubt themselves. It is important that you believe in your own abilities.  Ask yourself this ?, would Micheal Jackson be the greatest entertainer of the 20th Century had he doubted himself ?. No, faith is the starting point of all achievement. 

Bonus Note 

Stay focused, people don't just randomly archive their goals. It takes sacrifice to live the life you desire, now make these sacrifices.  As always i leave you with this " If you have expectations of others, especially negative ones. Than the outcome will never change " -Micheal Jordan. 

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