How To Be Happy:Can Money Buy Happiness?

How To Be Happy: Can Money Buy Happiness?

                                                 VyoCLifestyle                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Image result for how to be happy   

    How To Be Happy: Can Money Buy Happiness? 

              “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” 
               ― Dalai Lama XIV. 

Question : How do i become happy ?, do i need money to be happy?. 

this is a question that that many have fail to answer, how does one become happy?. Happiness is not just a state of mind whereby one is overcome by dopamine and the release of hormones which make you feel good. happiness comes from earning, and it must be earned.  you earn the right to feel positive and good about yourself. this right is earned through your actions. money is a prerequisite necessary for you to meet all your needs, but it cannot secure happiness, it is simply a resource of exchange and meeting your needs. look at wealthy individuals who reach a notable level of monetary success,but still they commit suicide, or are dependent on antidepressant drugs just to go through the day.  

why are so many people depressed? 

so many people leave their lives depressed, or dealing with a form of depression.  people are often unhappy because they are furious at themselves for lacking discipline. people are mad at themselves because they are not leaving the lives they want to. when their actions contradict the expectations of the lives they aspire to live. naturally so this creates anger and contempt towards self, because people become frustrated when they honestly know that they are not living up to their full potential. 

lack of discipline 

one of the most efficient ways to develop happiness is by taking action, and this can only be done through discipline. discipline means doing something you hate, but doing it like you love it. it is taking the course of action that best serves you. many men and women don't get taught the value of discipline, even i myself struggled with it because i used to have a short concentration span. disciplined people are confident people, because they take pride in accomplishing their tasks. when you put in effort, a by product of your effort will be pride. not to be confused with egoism. 

the importance of discipline  

if you want to be somebody worth something, it is necessary that you develop discipline. the truth is only you can make you confident, and confidence is gained through action. people become depressed because there is a facet of their live that they do not like. in normal cases they become depressed because they don't do nothing about it. if you are broke, get a job, or make an attempt to develop a source of income. if you do not like your weight or body appearance, change your lifestyle habits. if you are lazy, and hate yourself for it, than develop a work ethic. My point is that, for every problem there exists an equivalent solution, and it is your responsibility to find these solutions, because discipline is the root of all success. 

Purpose over Money 

religion bombasts people for having the desire to possess money, but money is the resourse that governs trade. i am not implying that it can make you happy, but the bulk your requirements need some form of financial support for you to be secured. chasing money has never satisfied anyone because it's like running a rat race that never ends, it will never be enough. instead when you follow your purpose. Whether it is painting, creating software, poetry, music, teaching, whatever it is you are passionate about, now that is your purpose. It gives you peace of mind, you stand for a cause and gain self satisfaction from that. for one because you enjoy it, and secondly because your purpose will automatically lead to your success. 

Forget the past

A majority of people are not happy because of certain decisions they may have made in the past and have come to regret those choices or actions. This prohibits one from being optimistic about the future. you have to forget about the past, stop thinking and fussing about it will not change your current situation. instead act now and be positive about the future. 

Bonus note

only you can make you happy. the only way to counter act depression is if you take action, take action to create the reality that you want. if you don't believe me, just try it by acting now, and i assure you will see the difference that even the smallest of actions can make in your life. 

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