Monday, October 1, 2018

How To Develop A Mentality That Will Get You A Step Ahead In Life

How To Develop A Mentality That Will Get You A Step Ahead In Life 





"Life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man. But soon or late the men who wins is the MEN WHO THINKS HE CAN " - Napoleon Hill. 

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I discovered this mentality after going through a disastrous spell in my life. From being broke to having bad spells of health, to being dumped, and just being disorganized with no sense of purpose. Believe me i have seen it all, and so in an attempt to change i began reading every motivational book i could get my hands on.  Still there was no significant change to be seen, until i realized that they all preach the same gospel. "If you want it, go and get it" this is the gospel many people pay their hard earned money to know and apply in their lives. Now i give you the earnest truth on how to develop a mentality that can actually shift any one's life from (0 to a 100). 

Understand Energy 

the universe is governed by energy, all planes of existence evolve around a force. Some call this Force the Universe or a kinetic force of some unknown life form. If you want to attract positive things in your life and have a positive frequency, you need to have dominant positive thoughts. Negative thoughts attract negative circumstances that guarantee negative outcomes. Always think positive thoughts. 

Image result for einstein on energy quotes

Use Affirmations 

Affirmations are statements that are repeated aloud or inwardly to replace undesired thinking patterns. I personally have an affirmation on my mobile device. It serves as excellent reminder.g patterns as thoughts repeated get picked up by the subconscious mind, than it becomes habitual thinking that really does program an individuals mentality. Affirmations are slated to boost confidence. Remember, create one that best fits your preferences, as long as it is positive and motivational. 

I am going to win, no matter what, regardless ! I will win. *

More than a champion, I am the best. *

I will stop when i am done, not when i am tired. *

Here's a famous one by former boxing heavy champion Muhammad Ali. "I am the greatest off all time". * 

Be your own competition 

Theodore Roosevelt was right when he stated that comparison is the thief of all joy.  You will never be mentally at peace with yourself if you compare yourself to others. Have your own standards, focus on your dreams the most, do not follow others.  When you are your own competition you get the satisfaction of self improvement, there lies peace in this. 

Embrace challenges 

When you embrace challenges, they no longer difficulties or problems instead you see them as opportunities to test yourself beyond your zone of comfort. For instance, we all at some point have had that those smart kids in class who could not wait for tests or exams. Whilst other pupils would stress about examinations. Notice the difference in perception between the two, the smart kids see this as an opportunity to showcase their intellectuality,  albeit the other students would see those tests and examination as stressful and dreadful tasks and therefore fail them. When you embrace a challenge a solution is already created. 

Envision your objectives 

Many successful people are guilty of this. They create pictures in their minds of them achieving a specific goal, before even ever physically achieving it. Everyday set aside ten minutes to picture yourself successful, achieving your designated goals. And it is only a matter of time before your actions coerce with your desires. 

Bonus note 

This is a beginners guide towards developing a mentality that will put will mentality put you ahead in life. The mind is everything,  your dominant thoughts govern your life. VyoCers have a fruitful week. As always i leave you with this " To change your reality, you must first change your mentality". Daniel Alley

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