Friday, September 21, 2018

The VyoCLifestyle Guide To Dating And Relationships

The VyoCLifestyle Guide To Dating And Relationships

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      when it comes to dating, just like everything else in life there are rules that govern human interactions. to succeed in the dating game it is important you know these rules and what dating style suits you best. with my personal experience the dating i recommend the most is casual dating, you can identify which one fits your lifestyle best.  

   if you like are most guys, who want to have happy and healthy relations with women but the results aren't coming than this guide is definitely for you. when i began dating in my late teen years, i didn't know what to expect, and how to handle women, how to get women, i began to read online about dating and relationships. if you manage your expectations on what to expect from a relationship and understand the rules of the game than you will experience the same level of success as i have with women. 

this guideline outlines the types of dating and how to be successful using each type. 

Types of dating : Monogamous relationships 

Monogamy is the most serious form of dating, and possibly the most intimate. this is when two people only date each other. 

How to get into a monogamous relationship? 

before i even tackle how to get into a monogamous engagement, identify if monogamy best suits you.  monogamy suits you if your intentions are to start a family or build a solid future within the relationship.  most women want monogamous relationships because commitment is more valuable than sex. first find the right partner, a women who will respect you and understand you as a men. usually these type of women are religious,  had a good upbringing, they were raised well.  

this requires what i like to call day game. it is basically meeting women during the day, whether at church, school, at your workplace, at the mall or in your social circle. the trick is simply to approach a woman, greet and make short conversation. conversation starters may include, "hi, how are you, i know this may seem awkward but you have beautiful eye brows". this shows two things, that you are genuinely interested in her and that you are not fearfully imposing yourself on her.  now secondly you take her number, and arrange a date. remember the purpose of taking her number is to arrange a date. 

in monogamy the purpose of a date is to get to know her, not to have sex with her on the first date. this is extremely important if you want to avoid toxic women. things to do to make sure the date is a success, be confident, smile and be light hearted. this will allow her to be comfortable around you. in a monogamous relationship, it usually takes two or more dates before the relationship can commence before there can be any form of sexual relations. 

                                                  Rules of Engagement 

to maintain a monogamous relationship you must be committed. this usually means you must invest your time, and you don't see other people outside of the relationship. 

see her at least three times a week, this shows  and illustrates your level of commitment to her. 

                                               Casual Dating : Polygamy 

casual dating is when you date for the purposes of sex and simply having casual fun with multiple partners. usually this form of dating is bombasted by society because it is an alternative lifestyle. these are the man that society term famously as "fuckboys, playboys, players, casanova". 

                                       How to get into a casual relationship

this is a bit startling because casual relationships are simply about sex and having fun.  to become a successful player in casual dating that has multiple women at his disposal, you need to approach as many women as you can. well at the ones you are sexually interested in because it is a numbers game. now here we use what i like to call online game . online game is approaching online, most notably dating sites. sites such as Tinder and Badoo, POF these best fit the catalogue of casual dating, and they guarantee you your best chance of success if your intentions are to have sex only. 

The best way to get into a casual relationship is to develop enough confidence to approach women on a daily. Embrace rejection, cause at some point you will get rejected. Embrace it because it is the cost of playing the game.  secondly work on your style, personality, as your aim is to attract women and not to keep them. having a good sense of style will do wonders for your social profile and will give you a better chance of getting laid, cause thats your main aim in a casual relationship. 

                                                     Rules of Engagement 

when it comes to casual dating the only rule is protect yourself. always use protection if you want to avoid contracting any STD's. 

Do not lie.  just because your aim is just to have sex, it does not imply you should lie to get what you want. be honest with the women you with, they should know from the get go that you do not intend on having a serious relationship. this shows that you are honourable enough to be honest with her. it shows that you respect her as a woman. 

                                                            Bonus Note 

Whatever form of dating suites you, go for it. But know that there are necessary rules you have to follow to be successful with each. you follow the rules and surely you will win. trust me, i am am a testament of that. i leave you with this "Be true to the game, and the game will be true to you".  

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