Monday, October 22, 2018

Why You Shouldn't Get Sucked Into Consumerism, and How to Beat It

Why You Shouldn't Get Sucked Into Consumerism, and How to Beat It


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         " We always want more. Whether it's better clothes, a bigger house, faster cars or the latest gadgets. Satisfaction in the day of consumerism is hard to find " - Tulsi Tanti. 

The governments recommends the high consumption of goods to society because obviously it has it's economic benefits. Consumerism simply described is the notion that the more you consume the better you are of, it takes a more materialistic approach. Everywhere you go you will notice how much consumerism is promoted on average. From the popular music you listen to across various genres. To the billboards in the streets and obviously the lousy product promotion on our TV screens. Even the high levels of obesity all indicate consumerist societies we exist  in.  

How to beat consumerism huh ? 

* Do not buy what you don't need. Many people purchase stuff just because it's trending, or they were impressed by the advertising strategy of the product without a real reason why they buy bought it in the first place. Rather exchange your valued money for products that will in turn serve you, and are a good value for your money. 

Don't believe the hype 

* What does "don't believe the hype imply" ?. Do not believe everything you hear and see from the media, social media, news,advertisement. Well justifiably because as a consumer you are expected to consume information through and from the media, buy products from retailers that are re-commanded by the media. Its a chain process that eats away your bank account and keeps pumping the retailers with your money.  

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Avoid Credit like the plague 

* Credit is a metaphor for debt, and if you don't want to be a consumerist than a credit line is definitely not for you. Credit psychologically pushes consumers to spend more, people with a high credit line usually purchase products they do really not require. Secondly credit has additional costs once the debt has to be paid. Here is a free tip, it is far better to lay by a product and pay for it in fixed amounts of time than to get it on credit and pay almost double the price of the product. 

Less is more 

* this English proverb speaks truth indeed when applied to life, especially your financial life. The less you spend, the money you will have to in your assets, and much less wasted on liabilities. 

Leave below your means 

* Many people become broke and in debt because they fail to understand the principle of leaving below your means. It means that your expenditure is alignment with your income. This is one of the greatest ways to increase your savings and eliminate debt. I am not implying that you must become cheap and stingy, no ! what this means is that you prioritize your needs more than your wants. 

Bonus note

Countless middle class people are in debt because things such as excessive spending and shopping, balling out and wasting your money have been idolized by the media, the elite and society.  Do not become a victim of this trap of being caught up in materialism, be an informed consumer. As always i leave you with this " Material things are delightful, but their not important - Richard Branson ". 

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

How To Get The Best Out Of Relationships Part One : Friendship

How To Get The Best Out Of Relationships Part One : Friendship


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                         "Treasure your relationships, not your possessions"
                    -  Anthony D. J Angelo. 

Only that which does not have life can live in isolation, every energy force is connected and interconnected. Humans are social beings that function on companionship. This is a three part article with the first part focusing on friendship, detailing how you can get the best out of your social relationships with friends and acquaintances. 

What is a good friend  ? 

friends will come and go in your life, but the quality of some relationships stand the test of time. Obviously as you have come to know that a good friend has genuine care and interest in you, shares similar values, and supports you. 

How can you get the best out of your friendships ? 

Firstly you need to understand that real friendship is a commitment that is built on loyalty, allegiance and support. 

Avoid toxic friends and acquaintances

A toxic friend is that one friend that is always unhappy, critical, judgmental. They always have something to complain about. That one friend that does not inspire or support you in anyway whatsoever, that friend that influences you to take decisions that you know are not best for you, but yet you still took them just to accommodate them. 

Be Credible 

Being credible means you are trustworthy. The main reason why women generally lack trust within their friendships is because women are not credible. Be credible to your friends, even the ones you don't fully trust. When you say you going to show up at six, be there at six. Credibility will allow you to trust the closest people in your social circle because they in turn can depend on you and trust you. 

Do not over depend on friends 

Supporting one another is one thing, but free riding and over depending is another. Imagine that friend that always wants free favors, borrows money and never pays it back. Once you over depend on someone your company to them becomes more of an annoyance than it is a pleasure. There is a difference between support and dependence, do not confuse the two. 

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Loyalty simply means you will stick it through and be there for your friend regardless of the situation, good or bad. Loyal people always get the best out of relationships because they understand that they will always have individuals they can rely on in dire need. It happens to all of us, like that situation we've all once had and needed a friend to bail us out. 

Do not compete in social circles 

Friendship is companionship not competition. A companionship where by we help each other grow in many aspects. Do not envy a friends success, in fact that is suppose to motivate you to work towards archiving your goals. 

Bonus note 

It is very important that you choose your friends wisely, because these are the people in your life that you are likely to spend more time with than you do with family. Therefore they can influence you, thus the article provides you with a guideline that can easily assist you in having much more valuable friendships in the future. As always i leave you with this " There is nothing on this earth to be priced more than true friendship" -  Thomas Aquinas. 

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VyoCLifestyle - Lifestyle On The Move 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Truth About Procrastination, and How It Can Work For You

 The Truth About Procrastination, and How It Can Work For You



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 " Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday" 
             - Don Marquis. 

We live in a world that is technologically advanced to such a point that everything has become so simple at our disposal. We procrastinate because of different reasons, but at a close lens the root of this procrastination is relatively the same if  not identical.  If you procrastinate like i used and occasionally still do, than this is for you, cause you can make that bad habit actually work to your benefit.  

Why do people procrastinate ? 

The thriving reason why people procrastinate and hold tasks off is greatly because of fear. Yes, procrastination is born off fear. Individuals normally delay things out of laziness or convenience, but in  actuality this is a form of fear. Let me exemplify this more simply to you with an instance we can all relate to. Eg, 'i didn't do the assignment cause i felt lazy'. ' I'm a last minute person because i am unable to perform when i am not under pressure'. From a general perspective these explanations for procrastination are justified by laziness, in truth you have been procrastinating because you fear the challenge brought upon by the task you must complete. 

How can procrastination work for you and not against you  ? 

In truth procrastination is a bad habit, because it delays the completion of tasks. However you make it work for in a way that will turn a bad habit into a purposeful one. By following and applying this three step formula into your daily routine. 

* Write down a list of at least three of the most important activities of the day. 

* Create the image of a 23hr day instead of the original 24hrs. 

* Approach your tasks as if there was a gun to your head. 

By simply following this daily regime, weather you a procrastinator or a disciplined individual this trick will do wonders for you. Now let me break down the formula and how it works, when you list down your tasks it serves as a constant reminder of what needs to be executed, consider it an alarm or wake up call.  Secondly the approach of looking at your day and considering that already you have lost an hour and now all you have is twenty three hours brings about a sense of urgency to you.  Procrastinators do not value time, this will help you appreciate the value of time and not squander it.  Imagine if we did our tasks as if there was a gun to our heads, we would reach our goals. And surely a lot of people would act with definite purpose, and not leaving things half done. 

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Bonus note 

Even if you are a lazy individual this concept works because it does not require hard work to apply. Again on the other hand you using a bad habit to your benefit, it will change the manner in which you perceive procrastination. As always i leave you with this "  A year from now you may wish you have started today " -  Karen Lamb. 

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Three Great Books That Can Aid Your Self Development

Three Great Books That Can Aid Your Self Development


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Reading is important not only because it develops the mind, but more importantly it provides you with knowledge, whether general or specialized knowledge. We exist in the information age, the more you know the more power one has. The following books rec commanded here actually changed the outlook i had on life, and my whole mindset. Not only did they help me develop a winners mentality to deal with any task monumental or minor. But the wisdom here was a driving tool for me to reach my goals. 

1 *. 

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was originally written in 1937, is a self development and self improvement book. The books content concerns a philosophy that can help anyone succeed in any line of work. For self development i suggest you begin here, Hills provides a detailed description of the secrete that has been used by the most successful and influential individuals that hail across contrasting industries, and amassed great fortunes. Such as the Rockefeller's, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford.   

Favorite Quote : " There are no limitations to the mind accept those we acknowledge ". 

2 *. 
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One of my favorite books when it comes to self development literature. The Greatest Salesmen in the World serves as a guide to a philosophy of salesmanship and success. The narrative follows the story of a Camel boy who archives abundantly.  The book is relatively short, and the instructions are to read a single chapter a day for thirty days. The literature addresses the doctrine of repetitive actions to build good habits. The knowledge and wisdom here is eternal. 

Favorite Quote : "You were not created for a life of idleness. You cannot eat from sunrise to sunset or play or make love. Work is not your enemy but your friend. If all manner of labor were forbidden to thee you would fall to your knees and beg an early death ". 

3 *. 
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At first when i was introduced to the law of attraction in 2013 i thought it cannot be real. That is actually until i read the book and came to understand that this is a force that has been present all my life. All this time had i known, this great power. Rhonda Bryan sites  a three step formula for using the secrete, ask, believe, receive. The book describes how to improve ones life with regard to, relationship, health, wealth through thought and visualization that is aided by the law of attraction. The Secrete has been translated into fifty languages and has sold over (30 million copies worldwide). 

Favorite Quote : "You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action. And you do it through your thoughts". 

Bonus Note 

Do not read these books to complete them or for mere pleasure, as you would with fiction. Read to aid your mental transformation and watch your life and perspectives grow. These books can be downloaded or found on Bid or Buy, Google Books, etc. As always i leave you with this " It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it". - Oscar Wilde. 

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why Politics Is Like The Matrix

Why Politics Is Like The Matrix


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             "Man is a political animal by nature " - Aristotle. 

Question: How on earth is politics like the Matrix, what do you mean by that? Now I know that most of you know the science fiction film the Matrix, it depicts a virtual world in which human beings are controlled by machines while their bodies are used as an energy source.  Politics is all about control, it is in this fashion that it is like the Matrix, one of the films main themes is the idea of breaking free from control. Therefore I have used this term as a metaphor to explain the functions of politics. Hopefully, after reading this, you would have seen the basis of my point. 


Politics is all about power and governance. Believe me you, governance is just a fancy word for control. The traditional role of politics is to control society and administer the law. Throughout all the history of man, from colonialism to running for president, these actions are committed all in the name of power. 

False Hope 

One of the reasons I don't follow politics is because it is nothing but a beacon of false hope. How many people vote for a political figure or party in hopes that this person will change their circumstances ?. Realize that when you support a political figure you are doing it at your own expense, while you should be invested on your own life instead.   
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The Media 

The media is the most powerful entity on earth because the media controls the minds of the masses. Everything you see on your TV screens, your phone, everywhere you go. Yep, you can thank the media for it. The media is a machine that politics runs on.  Here's the humorous part, the government won't show anything they don't you to know about. But presidential campaigns get promoted like hot cookies. 


Politics is centered around ideas about how the world should be governed or ruled. So when you support a politician you basically supporting their dreams and ideas instead of chasing your own, on your own time.  

In The end, no one cares

I would hear political conversations, debates, disagreements about which political party or individual is best suited to lead the country. Honestly, no one cares, especially the politician you support. People complain about the government more than they do about their own problems. 

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Bonus Note 

In the end, the choice is yours, either waste your precious time focusing on what political figures are doing. Or invest in yourself and have a clearer peace of mind. As always I leave you with this " The first duty of a man is to think for himself, cause the government is to busy to do your thinking for you" 

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