Monday, October 22, 2018

Why You Shouldn't Get Sucked Into Consumerism, and How to Beat It

Why You Shouldn't Get Sucked Into Consumerism, and How to Beat It


Image result for black people from shopping


         " We always want more. Whether it's better clothes, a bigger house, faster cars or the latest gadgets. Satisfaction in the day of consumerism is hard to find " - Tulsi Tanti. 

The governments recommends the high consumption of goods to society because obviously it has it's economic benefits. Consumerism simply described is the notion that the more you consume the better you are of, it takes a more materialistic approach. Everywhere you go you will notice how much consumerism is promoted on average. From the popular music you listen to across various genres. To the billboards in the streets and obviously the lousy product promotion on our TV screens. Even the high levels of obesity all indicate consumerist societies we exist  in.  

How to beat consumerism huh ? 

* Do not buy what you don't need. Many people purchase stuff just because it's trending, or they were impressed by the advertising strategy of the product without a real reason why they buy bought it in the first place. Rather exchange your valued money for products that will in turn serve you, and are a good value for your money. 

Don't believe the hype 

* What does "don't believe the hype imply" ?. Do not believe everything you hear and see from the media, social media, news,advertisement. Well justifiably because as a consumer you are expected to consume information through and from the media, buy products from retailers that are re-commanded by the media. Its a chain process that eats away your bank account and keeps pumping the retailers with your money.  

Image result for don't believe the hype

Avoid Credit like the plague 

* Credit is a metaphor for debt, and if you don't want to be a consumerist than a credit line is definitely not for you. Credit psychologically pushes consumers to spend more, people with a high credit line usually purchase products they do really not require. Secondly credit has additional costs once the debt has to be paid. Here is a free tip, it is far better to lay by a product and pay for it in fixed amounts of time than to get it on credit and pay almost double the price of the product. 

Less is more 

* this English proverb speaks truth indeed when applied to life, especially your financial life. The less you spend, the money you will have to in your assets, and much less wasted on liabilities. 

Leave below your means 

* Many people become broke and in debt because they fail to understand the principle of leaving below your means. It means that your expenditure is alignment with your income. This is one of the greatest ways to increase your savings and eliminate debt. I am not implying that you must become cheap and stingy, no ! what this means is that you prioritize your needs more than your wants. 

Bonus note

Countless middle class people are in debt because things such as excessive spending and shopping, balling out and wasting your money have been idolized by the media, the elite and society.  Do not become a victim of this trap of being caught up in materialism, be an informed consumer. As always i leave you with this " Material things are delightful, but their not important - Richard Branson ". 

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