Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Truth About Procrastination, and How It Can Work For You

 The Truth About Procrastination, and How It Can Work For You



Image result for procrastination

 " Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday" 
             - Don Marquis. 

We live in a world that is technologically advanced to such a point that everything has become so simple at our disposal. We procrastinate because of different reasons, but at a close lens the root of this procrastination is relatively the same if  not identical.  If you procrastinate like i used and occasionally still do, than this is for you, cause you can make that bad habit actually work to your benefit.  

Why do people procrastinate ? 

The thriving reason why people procrastinate and hold tasks off is greatly because of fear. Yes, procrastination is born off fear. Individuals normally delay things out of laziness or convenience, but in  actuality this is a form of fear. Let me exemplify this more simply to you with an instance we can all relate to. Eg, 'i didn't do the assignment cause i felt lazy'. ' I'm a last minute person because i am unable to perform when i am not under pressure'. From a general perspective these explanations for procrastination are justified by laziness, in truth you have been procrastinating because you fear the challenge brought upon by the task you must complete. 

How can procrastination work for you and not against you  ? 

In truth procrastination is a bad habit, because it delays the completion of tasks. However you make it work for in a way that will turn a bad habit into a purposeful one. By following and applying this three step formula into your daily routine. 

* Write down a list of at least three of the most important activities of the day. 

* Create the image of a 23hr day instead of the original 24hrs. 

* Approach your tasks as if there was a gun to your head. 

By simply following this daily regime, weather you a procrastinator or a disciplined individual this trick will do wonders for you. Now let me break down the formula and how it works, when you list down your tasks it serves as a constant reminder of what needs to be executed, consider it an alarm or wake up call.  Secondly the approach of looking at your day and considering that already you have lost an hour and now all you have is twenty three hours brings about a sense of urgency to you.  Procrastinators do not value time, this will help you appreciate the value of time and not squander it.  Imagine if we did our tasks as if there was a gun to our heads, we would reach our goals. And surely a lot of people would act with definite purpose, and not leaving things half done. 

Image result for hey i am not a procrastinator gif

Bonus note 

Even if you are a lazy individual this concept works because it does not require hard work to apply. Again on the other hand you using a bad habit to your benefit, it will change the manner in which you perceive procrastination. As always i leave you with this "  A year from now you may wish you have started today " -  Karen Lamb. 

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