Monday, October 8, 2018

Three Great Books That Can Aid Your Self Development

Three Great Books That Can Aid Your Self Development


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Reading is important not only because it develops the mind, but more importantly it provides you with knowledge, whether general or specialized knowledge. We exist in the information age, the more you know the more power one has. The following books rec commanded here actually changed the outlook i had on life, and my whole mindset. Not only did they help me develop a winners mentality to deal with any task monumental or minor. But the wisdom here was a driving tool for me to reach my goals. 

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was originally written in 1937, is a self development and self improvement book. The books content concerns a philosophy that can help anyone succeed in any line of work. For self development i suggest you begin here, Hills provides a detailed description of the secrete that has been used by the most successful and influential individuals that hail across contrasting industries, and amassed great fortunes. Such as the Rockefeller's, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford.   

Favorite Quote : " There are no limitations to the mind accept those we acknowledge ". 

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One of my favorite books when it comes to self development literature. The Greatest Salesmen in the World serves as a guide to a philosophy of salesmanship and success. The narrative follows the story of a Camel boy who archives abundantly.  The book is relatively short, and the instructions are to read a single chapter a day for thirty days. The literature addresses the doctrine of repetitive actions to build good habits. The knowledge and wisdom here is eternal. 

Favorite Quote : "You were not created for a life of idleness. You cannot eat from sunrise to sunset or play or make love. Work is not your enemy but your friend. If all manner of labor were forbidden to thee you would fall to your knees and beg an early death ". 

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At first when i was introduced to the law of attraction in 2013 i thought it cannot be real. That is actually until i read the book and came to understand that this is a force that has been present all my life. All this time had i known, this great power. Rhonda Bryan sites  a three step formula for using the secrete, ask, believe, receive. The book describes how to improve ones life with regard to, relationship, health, wealth through thought and visualization that is aided by the law of attraction. The Secrete has been translated into fifty languages and has sold over (30 million copies worldwide). 

Favorite Quote : "You are the one who calls the law of attraction into action. And you do it through your thoughts". 

Bonus Note 

Do not read these books to complete them or for mere pleasure, as you would with fiction. Read to aid your mental transformation and watch your life and perspectives grow. These books can be downloaded or found on Bid or Buy, Google Books, etc. As always i leave you with this " It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it". - Oscar Wilde. 

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