Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why Politics Is Like The Matrix

Why Politics Is Like The Matrix


Image result for the matrix

             "Man is a political animal by nature " - Aristotle. 

Question: How on earth is politics like the Matrix, what do you mean by that? Now I know that most of you know the science fiction film the Matrix, it depicts a virtual world in which human beings are controlled by machines while their bodies are used as an energy source.  Politics is all about control, it is in this fashion that it is like the Matrix, one of the films main themes is the idea of breaking free from control. Therefore I have used this term as a metaphor to explain the functions of politics. Hopefully, after reading this, you would have seen the basis of my point. 


Politics is all about power and governance. Believe me you, governance is just a fancy word for control. The traditional role of politics is to control society and administer the law. Throughout all the history of man, from colonialism to running for president, these actions are committed all in the name of power. 

False Hope 

One of the reasons I don't follow politics is because it is nothing but a beacon of false hope. How many people vote for a political figure or party in hopes that this person will change their circumstances ?. Realize that when you support a political figure you are doing it at your own expense, while you should be invested on your own life instead.   
                          Image result for vote for me i will change your life

The Media 

The media is the most powerful entity on earth because the media controls the minds of the masses. Everything you see on your TV screens, your phone, everywhere you go. Yep, you can thank the media for it. The media is a machine that politics runs on.  Here's the humorous part, the government won't show anything they don't you to know about. But presidential campaigns get promoted like hot cookies. 


Politics is centered around ideas about how the world should be governed or ruled. So when you support a politician you basically supporting their dreams and ideas instead of chasing your own, on your own time.  

In The end, no one cares

I would hear political conversations, debates, disagreements about which political party or individual is best suited to lead the country. Honestly, no one cares, especially the politician you support. People complain about the government more than they do about their own problems. 

                                     Image result for no one cares

Bonus Note 

In the end, the choice is yours, either waste your precious time focusing on what political figures are doing. Or invest in yourself and have a clearer peace of mind. As always I leave you with this " The first duty of a man is to think for himself, cause the government is to busy to do your thinking for you" 

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