Thursday, October 18, 2018

How To Get The Best Out Of Relationships Part One : Friendship

How To Get The Best Out Of Relationships Part One : Friendship


Image result for picture of friends harold and kumar

                         "Treasure your relationships, not your possessions"
                    -  Anthony D. J Angelo. 

Only that which does not have life can live in isolation, every energy force is connected and interconnected. Humans are social beings that function on companionship. This is a three part article with the first part focusing on friendship, detailing how you can get the best out of your social relationships with friends and acquaintances. 

What is a good friend  ? 

friends will come and go in your life, but the quality of some relationships stand the test of time. Obviously as you have come to know that a good friend has genuine care and interest in you, shares similar values, and supports you. 

How can you get the best out of your friendships ? 

Firstly you need to understand that real friendship is a commitment that is built on loyalty, allegiance and support. 

Avoid toxic friends and acquaintances

A toxic friend is that one friend that is always unhappy, critical, judgmental. They always have something to complain about. That one friend that does not inspire or support you in anyway whatsoever, that friend that influences you to take decisions that you know are not best for you, but yet you still took them just to accommodate them. 

Be Credible 

Being credible means you are trustworthy. The main reason why women generally lack trust within their friendships is because women are not credible. Be credible to your friends, even the ones you don't fully trust. When you say you going to show up at six, be there at six. Credibility will allow you to trust the closest people in your social circle because they in turn can depend on you and trust you. 

Do not over depend on friends 

Supporting one another is one thing, but free riding and over depending is another. Imagine that friend that always wants free favors, borrows money and never pays it back. Once you over depend on someone your company to them becomes more of an annoyance than it is a pleasure. There is a difference between support and dependence, do not confuse the two. 

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Loyalty simply means you will stick it through and be there for your friend regardless of the situation, good or bad. Loyal people always get the best out of relationships because they understand that they will always have individuals they can rely on in dire need. It happens to all of us, like that situation we've all once had and needed a friend to bail us out. 

Do not compete in social circles 

Friendship is companionship not competition. A companionship where by we help each other grow in many aspects. Do not envy a friends success, in fact that is suppose to motivate you to work towards archiving your goals. 

Bonus note 

It is very important that you choose your friends wisely, because these are the people in your life that you are likely to spend more time with than you do with family. Therefore they can influence you, thus the article provides you with a guideline that can easily assist you in having much more valuable friendships in the future. As always i leave you with this " There is nothing on this earth to be priced more than true friendship" -  Thomas Aquinas. 

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